
A Gentle, Enjoyable Needle-Free Alternative to Acupuncture

Colour-Puncture on PC6 Acupoint

What is Colour-Puncture?

Colour-puncture uses coloured light instead of needles to activate acupoints..

Light has been proven to transmit through meridians, and electrically conductive fascia of the body.

The added benefits of colour-puncture over needle acupuncture is that it is gentle and non-invasive. Furthermore, colours can be chosen according to their specific qualities. Warm colours, such as red, orange and yellow tonify and stimulate. Whereas cool colours, such as violet, indigo and blue, calm and sedates.

What Happens During Colour-Puncture

Expect to have a talk with your practitioner, your tongue looked at and your pulse felt. You will then be asked to lay on a comfortable treatment couch. You close your eyes as you will feel gentle pressure on your skin at various acupoints. You may even fall asleep. There will be a gentle pulsating sound emanating from the photon-stimulator, which causes you to feel deeply relaxed. After 10 to 15 minutes or so, you are free to get off the couch (unless of course you receive other adjunctive treatments).

“A relaxing and enjoyable experience!”

Colour-Puncture in the Ear
Receiving Colour-Punctue is a Pleasant Experience

Benefits of Colour-Puncture

This method is –

  • Safe
  • Painless
  • Non-Invasive
  • Gentle
  • Effective

​No side-effects are experienced. The experience is highly relaxing,

Additional to the typical acupuncture benefits, colour light strengthens the ‘qi’,  the pulsing light induces brainwaves  of a deep relaxed alpha or theta state.

Auricular (Ear) Acupuncture

Did you know that the ear is an entire micro-system of the body? There is a point or reflex area for virtually every part of your body, found in the ear.

In fact, it was discovered that the map of the reflex points in your ear correspond to an upside down fetus.

By stimulating corresponding points in the ear, whether it be the eye, nervous system, organs or musculoskeletal areas, you can bring about a therapeutic effect on that part of the body.

Master Points

There are ten master points in the ear which have a profound effect on the nervous system. For this reason, they are often included in auricular treatments. The master Points are – Point Zero, Shenmen, Sympathetic, Pain Point, Endocrine, Tranquilizer point, Stress Control, Cerebral and Sensorial

Assessing Points To Use

Finding appropriate points to use can be done is several ways.

  • Refer to a map of the ear and use points symptomatically (eg. for a sore lower back, you can use the low back point and master pain point.)
  • Refer to ready made formulae in text books on auricular therapy (see Terry Olsen’s Auriculo-Therapy Manual).
  • Apply pressure to points in the ear to see which points are sore, indicating an imbalance.
  • You can inspect the ear for unusual signs, like lumps, visible red capillaries, spots etc.
  • You can use an electro-resistance point detector to assess which points have higher electrical resistance.

All these methods are effective to identify ‘active’ points, which are best included in your treatment.

What Conditions Are Helped By Auricular Therapy?

Stimulating ‘active’ points is a very (and often surprisingly) effective way to eliminate pain, calm the nerves, relieve symptoms and treat the underlying cause of an issue.

Auricular treatments are most well known for helping addictions (such as quitting smoking and other substance dependencies), PTSD and anxiety.

However this method can be used effectively for an array of conditions, especially headache, asthma, back and neck pain, gastritis, immune enhancement, flu/cold, knee and shoulder pain, T.M.J., hayfever, nausea, constipation, menstrual pain and insomnia.

Upside Down Fetus Represented in Ear
Ten Master Auricular Acupoints
Some Major Auricular Acupoints
Blunt Pressure instrument pressed on auricular acupoints
Auricular Points Detector
The Photon Stimulator
Warming Colours
Cooling Colours

How To Treat

Once the ‘active’ points are identified, any of the following methods can be used –

  • Needles (acupuncture needles or press stud needles which remain in place for 48 hours).
  • Pressure seeds or magnetic mini-balls, left in place in the ear with a small tape covering them. The person can apply pressure several times per day to boost the therapeutic effect. These can stay in for 3 to 5 days.
  • A blunt pressure instrument held on point with gentle pressure for approximately 30 seconds for each point.
  • Electro-stimulation using a micro-current device as such an Alpha-Wave or point detector.
  • Low level laser with a fine point.
  • Colour torch or colour device, with a cable optic fibre and fine point.

My Favourite Colour-Puncture Device

My favourite device to use for any body or auricular acu colour therapy work, is the Photon Stimulator.

This device uses the an optic fibre cable attached to the front of the projector light source with a fine cone tip at the end, suitable for holding over small areas on the ear. The cone can be removed to use on larger body acupoint areas.

The system uses pulsed light at a frequency between 1 and 10 hertz, located in the delta, theta and low alpha range, perfect for a very fast and effective calming effect.

Additionally a selection of coloured slides are provided which fit in to a slot in the light box. These colours are based on Ghadiali Dinshah‘s colour therapy system, spectrochrome.

A suitable colour can be chosen according to the condition which is presented.

Generally, warm colours (such as red, orange and yellow) are used to tonify, invigorate and strengthen weak conditions. This would include health problems such as depression, hypo-thyroidism, low energy, chronic fatigue, overweight, anaemia, low sexual vitality, poor digestion, dementia, memory loss or poor concentration.

Whereas cool colours can be used to sedate, calm and relieve pain. Health issues such as skin itch, inflammation, painful joints, cramps, insomnia, anxiety, fevers, burns, irritability and manic thoughts will all benefit from the cooling colours (turquoise, blue, indigo and violet).

Neutral colours (such as green and magenta) can be used when beginning a course of treatments. Green works to balance the physical aspects, whereas magenta works to equilibrate the emotional aspects.

Each point requires only 15 to 60 seconds of irradiation with the colour selected.

Coloured light is a gentle and easy, effective way to stimulate the points. It is perfect for children or sensitive people who prefer not to use needles.