How To Rewire Old Beliefs In Your Subconscious Mind and Replace Them With New Better Beliefs – Part 1

I was so inspired recently by a short video I watched by Bruce Lipton, a teacher and biologist bringing science with spirit. Bruce is also an author, one of his well known books titled ‘Beyond Belief’. After listening to his inspiring talk, I jumped on to his website and was totally delighted. In his resources…

How To Rewire Old Beliefs In Your Subconscious Mind and Replace them with New Better Beliefs – Part 2

Accessing the Subconscious Mind This is Step Two in a three step process for helping you change your deeply programmed beliefs. You can read Step 1 and Step 3. I like to use the analogy of moving in to our subconscious mind a bit like opening a doorway in to another realm – the realm…

How To Rewire Old Beliefs In Your Subconscious Mind and Replace them with New Better Beliefs – Part 3

Reprogram And Practice Persistently In Part 1 of this three part article, we explored how to identify core beliefs that you may wish to change. Part 2 explained three effective methods to access the elusive subconscious mind. In this final part 3, you will find out about ways to reprogram your beliefs. So once you…