Ep. 029 Iodine – The Universal Medicine

Learn all about this incredible medicine and how it helps mental health, thyroid, metabolism, sleep, muscle pains, immunity, skin and digestion. Iodine is also used to help breast lumps and dissolve cysts.

Learn how you can easily test for iodine deficiency, which foods are high in iodine and which foods and ‘halogens’ which block iodine absorption. Find out the best method to take iodine and personal experiences using iodine.

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  • ·         1:50        Why are people deficient in iodine?
  • ·         2:50        Iodine blocked by fluoride, bromine and chloride (halogens)
  • ·         5:50        How to test for iodine deficiency
  • ·         6:15        Lugol’s iodine and Povidol iodine
  • ·         8:45       Iodine for mental health
  • ·         9:50       Iodine for thyroid
  • ·         10:58     Iodine for metabolism
  • ·         11:30     Iodine for sleep, muscle pains, immunity, skin, digestion
  • ·         12.20     Maniisha’s story of iodine for blood & skin infection
  • ·         13:00     Iodine in every medical bag
  • ·         13:24     Iodine for tick bites
  • ·         14:25     Iodine and kelp for breast lumps
  • ·         15:15      Iodine for cysts (and Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease)
  • ·         16:30     Rich food sources of iodine
  • ·         18:40     Thyroids from animals as a medicine
  • ·         18:20     Goitrogen foods which inhibit uptake of iodine
  • ·         23:00     More on iodine for mental health
  • ·         24:04     Iodine recommended dose (RDA)
  • ·         25:15      David’s method of using iodine
  • ·         25:45     Transdermal iodine versus oral iodine
  • ·         26:30     Taking iodine internally can destroy gut microbiome
  • ·         27:10      Avoiding long term internal iodine supplementation
  • ·         27:58     Transdermal iodine and food sources of iodine is best
  • ·         28:15      Kelp and kelp suppliers
  • ·         30:00    Who should avoid using iodine?
  • ·         30:50     Hyperactivity of thyroid and iodine 
  • ·         32:15      David’s final advice on Lugol’s iodine


Gratitude to David Niven Miller – Grow Youthful website here

Contact Maniisha Bluntschli – queries and online consultations here

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