Ep. 030 Beating Sugar Addiction

Sugar is present in virtually every manufactured food nowadays, and has become one of our most concerning dietary problems. Addiction to sugar is real!

Learn about sugar versus fat, how sugar creates inflammation, how to test for sugar addiction, protocols and experiments for getting off sugar, including herbs to help.

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  • ·         1:40        Sugar is a huge health problem
  • ·         2:25        Sweet taste in our evolution
  • ·         4:00        Sugar in current times
  • ·         4:25        Fruit today is ‘Frankenfruit’
  • ·         6:10        Granular sugar 
  • ·         6:35        Honey in old times
  • ·         8:05        Sugar addiction 
  • ·         9:05        Maniisha’s personal sharing of sugar addiction
  • ·         10:05     Cravings  for a ‘pick me up’ in between meals 
  • ·         10:50     Blood sugar levels rise and falls
  • ·         12:20     Sugar versus fat
  • ·         12:52     Health issues caused by sugar 
  • ·         13:55     Metabolic syndrome
  • ·         14:30      Sugar and inflammation
  • ·         15:43     Tests to measure blood sugar levels
  • ·         16:25     Sugar addiction test questions
  • ·         17:20     Admitting you are a sugar addict
  • ·         18:25     Experiment with diet by eliminating sugar
  • ·         19:30     Getting help to wean off sugar 
  • ·         19:45     Gymnena bitter herb
  • ·         22:00     Protocol for getting off sugar
  • ·         23:15     David’s personal sharing of his previous sugar addiction 
  • ·         24:10     Sugar blocks vitamin C absorption
  • ·         25:20     Alcohol as a sugar
  • ·         27:40     Fruit
  • ·         29:28     How much fruit?
  • ·         31:15     Low sugar fruit
  • ·         31:33     Eating locally and seasonally
  • ·         32:35     Dried fruit
  • ·         33:15     Fruit juice
  • ·         33:40     Vegetables


Gratitude to David Niven Miller – Grow Youthful website here

Contact Maniisha Bluntschli – queries and online consultations here

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