Ep. 027 Zinc – The Mineral Nearly Everyone Needs

Most people are unknowlingly deficient in zinc. In this podcast, you can discover how you can test yourself easily to check your zinc status. Learn about the signs and symptoms of low zinc levels, how it relates to ‘long covid’ and how it is super important for fertility, mental health and immunity.

You’ll learn about the food sources of zinc, veganism and zinc and the best ways to supplement for zinc.

Also discover why you might be lacking in zinc and the highest things to watch out for that rob your body of zinc.

  • ·         2:10         What is zinc?
  • ·         2:20         Most people are zinc deficient 
  • ·         4:00        How to test for zinc
  • ·         6:58        Symptoms of zinc deficiency
  • ·         7:57        Zinc and ‘long covid’ loss of taste and smell 
  • ·         10:35     Highest level of zinc in prostate
  • ·         11:15     Zinc for fertility
  • ·         11:25     Zinc and brain and mental health
  • ·         12:45     Zinc is of prime importance in the covid era
  • ·         13:50     Food sources of zinc
  • ·         15:15     Veganism and zinc
  • ·         16:58     Sea salt and kelp for zinc
  • ·         17:30     Supplementing with zinc
  • ·         18:58     Nausea from zinc tablets
  • ·         20:02     Pyroluria
  • ·         22:03     Soil and zinc
  • ·         23:20     Foods  from zinc deficient soil
  • ·         24:21     Things that rob our body of zinc
  • ·         25:47     Stress and zinc

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Gratitude to David Niven Miller – Grow Youthful website here

Contact Maniisha Bluntschli – queries and online consultations here

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