Ep. 032 Natural Blood Thinners

Clots and micro-clots are on the rise! There are several methods to find out if your blood is ‘clotty’, including D-Dimer blood tests, live blood microscopy and doppler ultra sound tests.

Learn about natural methods which can resolve clots, including herbal medicines, avoiding EMFs and even making sure you are drinking enough water. Learn which foods have an anti-coagulating effect on your blood.

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  • ·         1:20         Reasons  why blood thinners are important
  • ·         2:00        Pharmaceutical blood thinners and their side effects
  • ·         3:45        Clots and micro-clots
  • ·         5:00        Current unprecendented heart inflammation and blood issues
  • ·         6:10        Tests for blood clottiness – live blood microscopy
  • ·         7:20        D-Dimer test
  • ·         8:00        Doppler ultrasound tests
  • ·         8:35        Cayenne pepper
  • ·         12:25      Emergency measure for strokes or heart attacks
  • ·         13:05     Other natural blood thinners
  • ·         13:50     Foods which are blood thinning
  • ·         15:20     Avoiding blood thickening foods  
  • ·         16:20     Water’s effect on blood 
  • ·         18:40     Test to see if you are drinking enough water
  • ·         19:35     White Willow Bark
  • ·         20:20     DMSO
  • ·         21:10     Dan Shen – Chinese Sage
  • ·         22:20     Essential oils for blood thinning
  • ·         23:40     Rosemary
  • ·         24:35     Our skin – transdermal medicine
  • ·         25:25     EMF’s effect on blood clottiness


Gratitude to David Niven Miller – Grow Youthful website here

Contact Maniisha Bluntschli – queries and online consultations here

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