Ep. 001  My Personal Journey to Using Light Therapeutics

Ep. 001 My Personal Journey to Using Light Therapeutics

My Personal Journey To Using Light Therapeutics As host of the newly formed Limbic Light podcast, I thought it apt to introduce myself. So, my name is Maniisha Bluntschli. I have a passion for energy, light, colour and vibrational medicine. I have seen so many wonderful results using this type of therapy, I felt a…

Ep.  003  Change Your Houselights for Better Sleep

Ep. 003 Change Your Houselights for Better Sleep

How To Reduce Anxiety & Insomnia by Changing Your House Lights, with Maniisha Bluntschli Today’s Guest Maniisha Bluntschli, host of the Limbic Light Podcast, researcher and educator of light therapeutics presents  on a topic which affects a huge proportion of our population – anxiety and insomnia. Through Maniisha’s excess of 35 years clinical experience as…

How To Rewire Old Beliefs In Your Subconscious Mind and Replace Them With New Better Beliefs – Part 1

I was so inspired recently by a short video I watched by Bruce Lipton, a teacher and biologist bringing science with spirit. Bruce is also an author, one of his well known books titled ‘Beyond Belief’. After listening to his inspiring talk, I jumped on to his website and was totally delighted. In his resources…

How To Rewire Old Beliefs In Your Subconscious Mind and Replace them with New Better Beliefs – Part 2

Accessing the Subconscious Mind This is Step Two in a three step process for helping you change your deeply programmed beliefs. You can read Step 1 and Step 3. I like to use the analogy of moving in to our subconscious mind a bit like opening a doorway in to another realm – the realm…