Ep. 010 Vagus Nerve Activation for Anxiety

Vagus Nerve Activation for Anxiety, with Maniisha Bluntschli
You’ll Learn
- What is and where vagus nerve runs
- Eight top simple ways to influence our moods using the vagus nerve activation
Key Points
- 01:13 What is the vagus nerve?
- 03:23 An analogy of the sympathetic & parasympathetic nervous system
- 05:52 Healing can only occur when the parasympathetic nervous system is working well
- 07:24 Vagus nerve wanders from occiput, ears, throat, chest/heart & then to many organs, especially digestive.
- 09:02 Types of problems you can expect if vagus nerve isn’t working properly includes voice, throat, ear problems, heart irregularities, high blood pressure, & gastric acid problems.
- 10:19 ‘Liver Qi stagnation’ in TCM correlates closely to vagal nerve problems.
- 11:42 FDA approves vagal nerve stimulation procedure for epilepsy.
- 14:59 Eight ways to help vagus nerve
- 15:47 Description of box breathing
- 18:00 Cold swims, showers or face dunking (thermogenesis) treats depression, anxiety & reduces stress hormones.
- 19:40 Soothing rhythmic sounds & voices regulates the vagus nerve.
- 20:59 Singing, humming or playing musical instrument creates vibrations in the head, having soothing effect on nervous system.
- 23:07 Eating lots of wholesome fats, like organic butter, coconut & MCT oils, nourishes the myelin sheath of nerves.
- 24:55 Massaging, both general & specific techniques, helps the vagus nerve.
- 29:37 Stimulating acupuncture points using pressure, massage, electro-micro current or needles on specific points in occiput area & in ear is helpful
- 30:51 Light therapy can be applied by activation of ear & body acupuncture points using warming or cooling colours.
- 36:50 Audio-visual brain entrainment can be used to deeply deeply relax the nervous system.
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