Colour sphere

Ep. 015 Upgrading Consciousness with Colour & Sound Therapy

Upgrading Consciousness with Sensora Colour & Sound Therapy, with Anadi Martel

Today’s Guest

Anadi Martel, physicist and electronics expert,  designs instruments for use in the exploration of sound and light. He acts as a consultant in special projects for organisations such as IMAX, Cirque du Soleil and Metropolitan Opera of New York. His sound devices have been used around the world, including by NASA.

Anadi’s focus is the interaction between technology and consciousness. He has researched the therapeutic properties of ligh for thirty years. He designed the multi-sensorial system, the Sensora combining audio, visual and kinesthetic (touch) stimulation to produce a profound therapeutic experience.

Anadi served as the president of the International Light Association for 7 years. He recently published a book titled ‘Light Therapies – A Complete Guide To The Healing Power of Light’ available in both French and English. 

You’ll Learn

  • About Anadi’s life long creation (Sensora) to uplift consciousness
  • How frequencies of light and sound can affect the body and mind
  • How colour can help release old traumas

Key Notes

  • 3:10  Anadi explains how he became interested in colour & sound therapeutics from a physics background.
  • 4:20  Anadi describes the Sensora therapeutic system of colour, sound & kinesthetics.
  • 7:15  Frequencies of colour & sound will influence body bio-rhythms, such as brainwaves, through resonance. This helps to balance psychological mind states.
  • 9:35 A colour preference selection test helps assess the correct amounts of different colours most needed for a Sensora session.
  • 12:39  Anadi explains how  hidden traumas and memories can resurface during a session, to assist healing. 
  • 14:25 An example of how Sensora can be used for chronic pain in breast cancer, reducing pain medication.
  • 15:40 An explanation of different light systems used for physical, psychological and consciousness health.
  • 18:35 Anadi’s description of a state of ‘higher consciousness’. 
  • 21:50 How the Sensora can assist in developing a higher state of consciousness.
  • 24:50  Methods used to measure changes in consciousness, such as Heart Rate Variability, Kirlian & GDV photography & EEG are helpful but only measure body effects,  not actual changes in consciousness.
  • 26:55  Anadi describes results of a study using the Sensora for pain relief, using self-assessment questionnaires.
  • 29:20 Simple, natural methods to induce a calm state of mind.
  • 31:50  Anadi explains his new invention developments – a kinesthetic vibrational healing device and a mini Sensora colour light globe (sensosphere). 

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Links & Resources

Anadi’s company which produces the Sensora healing system is called Sensortech Inc.
Anadi Martel’s book – Light Therapies: A Complete Guide to the Healing Power of

Sensora Pain Study  Here

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