Ep. 020 Restoring Sleep By Block Blue Light

Ep. 020 Restoring Sleep By Block Blue Light

Restoring Sleep by Blocking Blue Light, with Daniel Ebbett Today’s Guest Daniel Ebbett is the founder of New Zealand’s premier supplier of blue and artificial light blocking products. Daniel originally created his business, Block Blue Light, as a result of a need to fix his own health issues.  Suffering from chronic insomnia, as well as…

Ep. 019 Building A Dome for Colour & Sound Therapy

Ep. 019 Building A Dome for Colour & Sound Therapy

My Journey Building A Dome for Colour & Sound Therapy, with Maniisha Bluntschli Maniisha Blunstchli, creator of Limbic Light Podcast, is on a mission to build a dome to house a unique colour, sound and vicbro-accoustic healing system for her community to use. In this episode she explains the process of her first inspirations, manifestations,…

Ep. 018 ‘Allergic’ Colours For Healing

Ep. 018 ‘Allergic’ Colours For Healing

Using ‘Allergic’ Colours to Balance & Heal, with Jacob Liberman Today’s Guest Dr. Jacob Liberman is a pioneer in the fields of light, vision and consciousness, He’s the author of four highly acclaimed books on these topics. He originally trained as an optometrist and vision scientist. His life changed in 1976 after a miraculous healing…