Ep. 026  Introduction to New Season Unspoken Truths Podcast

Ep. 026 Introduction to New Season Unspoken Truths Podcast

Welcome to Limbic Light Podcast’s new and short season titled Unspoken Truths. In this introduction, Maniisha Bluntschli explains the essence and reason for creating Unspoken Truths season. She introduces this season’s co-host, David Niven Miller, creator of an extensive resource of natural health information called Grow Youthful.com Listen To Podcast Resources Gratitude to David Niven…

Ep. 024 Understanding EMF Shielding

Ep. 024 Understanding EMF Shielding

Understanding EMF Shielding, with Cyril Bourke Today’s Guest Cyril received his first qualifications in radio communications & radio electronics 1983. He then became an IBM trained engineer & a licensed electrician. He has worked for both the British Military & Hong Kong Government. After suffering an industrial injury, Cyril started studying the field of pain…