Ep. 022 The Power of Sound

The Power of Sound, with Ute Coleman

Today’s Guest

Ute Coleman was born in Germany. In 2004 she came to live in the small Western Australia surfing area of Margaret River, thanks to her husband’s love of surfing.  For as long as Ute can remember,  sounds, music and rhythm have always been with her, from the sounds of her mother humming melodies while doing chores, her grandfathers playing the violin and piano, her dad playing the harmonica and singing and her brothers playing their guitars.

Ute’s passion for music, sound & rhythm has been a lifelong  journey. Over the years, guided by her own experiences, she was able to develop a profound and holistic understanding about the power of sound and music.

Ute deepened her knowledge with various renowned teachers, musicians as well as many sound enthusiasts both in Australia and overseas. She did most of her training with the Peter Hess® Institute and Emily Hess® in Germany and continues to do so.

Ute is now a certified Peter Hess ® Sound Massage Practitioner, teaching this method as a senior lecturer for the Peter Hess® Academy of Australia.

In 2010 Ute opened her own practice in Margaret River and has been offering private and group Sound Therapy Sessions, Sound Meditations, Sound Massage Training, KliK® Education training, events, retreats and sound workshops for both adults and children ever since. 

Key Notes

  • Ute shares how she became interested in using sound as a way of healing 
  • Everything is in a state of vibration
  • Ute shares her favourite instruments and explains the monochord.
  • Ute’s teacher, Peter Hess’ – his method and pioneering of sound therapy
  • Using imagery and intention is a major part of sound therapy
  • Ute explains a typical sound session
  • Sound therapy can remove pain quickly & effectively
  • Ute explains home treatments to alleviate stress & anxiety using sound.

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The Power of Sound, with Ute Coleman

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